Auni will be our facilitator and Donna Durand will be providing the music.
For more information on the dances contact:, Auni will be glad to answer your questions or refer to their website:
Sample video of Dance
Spiritual practice brings us face to face with Life and Truth, prior to the concepts and beliefs of the person, opening to our true nature - authentic, unguarded, beyond form and imbued with the spaciousness and love that connects all.
The Dances of Universal Peace and Walking Concentrations are spiritual practice in motion.Drawing on the sacred phrases, scripture, and poetry of the many spiritual traditions of the earth, the Dances blend chant, live music and evocative movement into a living experience of unity, peace and integration. This taste of our true nature - as Universal Peace - opens to the possibility of a deep spiritual revolution within the person.
ONLINE Tickets: click here to purchase tickets
Cost: $30/person
Time: 1pm to 4pm
If you would like to come earlier and eat your bag lunch and enjoy the trails before the dance starts, please come by 11:30 am.
- Wear comfortable clothing
- Water/tea/coffee provided
- Potluck supper for those who stay after, bring an item to share.