• Sep 10, 2011 from 10:00am to 3:00pm
  • Location: The Willows Dome
  • Latest Activity: Jun 27, 2022

Facilatator: Jan Hornford
Co-facilitator: Sherri Bohn
Cost: $40
Bring Bag lunch and water
Refreshments provided: coffee, tea, juice



Jan Hornford is a Veriditas Certified Labyrinth Facilitator (www.veridtias.org) and a Master Certified Retreat Coach whose passion is to help you reconnect with the heart and soul of who you are. Her programs speak to your imaginative, intuitive, and spiritual nature and include expressive arts, walking in nature, labyrinths, and horse guided learning as methods for heart-centered personal discovery.

Join Labyrinth Facilitator Jan Hornford and Drum Facilitator Sheri Bohn for an incredible day of deep relaxation, stress release, fun, and reflection.
We tend to experience our life through our mind and thinking rather and through our heart and soul. The business of our outer life often makes us numb to our inner world.
This unique day invites you to journey into your own centre through the rhythm of the drum, the rhythm of Nature, and the rhythm of your own footsteps.
Movement, rhythm, and silence can all be pathways to inner knowing and can help foster mind-body- spirit connection.
Experience the gifts that being silent in Nature, walking the Labyrinth, and the Drum Circle can bring as you tap into your own heart sense and intuition.

Bring your journal, wear comfortable clothes, and dress for being outside.
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