Come explore a deeper sense of your being in this 3-day mask making workshop. The process of transformation begins almost immediately in the making of the mask through the process of touch, trust and ceremony. A variety of expressive arts, meditation, guided imagery, and ritual are utilized to create a safe and sacred experience. Opening of the heart, discover the beauty, the awe, the mystery, the power within, and the Devine… this is where the healing begins and the magic happens. Included will be a special performance: 'Four Faces' by Ruth Suvee, which tells a story of adversity, trauma, transformation and healing; journey of many and a testament of the healing potential of Masks. Cost: $250.00. Meals & Refreshments: $90 Total: $340.00 Accommodations: Free camping sites or share cabins at $25/night (2 -3 to a cabin) Facilitators: Ruth Suvee – 780-690-4134 Spirit Woman Lise - 780-446-5444 Refer to this attachment for more details: Mask Making Retreat Flyer.pdf ****************** Use PayPal button for this event on Main Page.
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