Perseid Meteor Shower peaks - Every year at this time, Earth passes through a stream of debris from Comet Swift- Tuttle. As the fine gravelly bits hit the Earth's atmosphere. they incinerate in brief streaks of light known as meteors. This year the Moon will be in the Morning crescent Phase and will not rize till 1:08am.
The dark sky makes it nice for viewing the Meteor Shower and the Milky Way is at it's best.
One of the most impressive meteor showers of the year. The Willows is preparing to help star gazers enjoy the celestal phenomena.
You are invited to come and join us for a night of Astronomy at our light pollution free, acreage 5 miles west and 1 mile south of New Norway
The telescope will be setup from 9:00 to Midnight
Cost: No Fee for star gazing
$5.00 / night camping (limited hookups - rustic shower & porta pottie available)
Learn about Meteor Showers:
August 11 is the peek night you should see some debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle fall through the atmosphere in the annual Perseid Meteor Shower.
The Perseid shower is named after Perseus constellation because the meteors appear to emanate from that constellation in the north east.
Learn about the Constellations :
We will use Stary Nights Program to help us learn some of the summer stars.
Learn about photographing the stars:
We will use both film and digital cameras. "Don't forget to bring yours!"
Learn about Satellites and the International Space Station ISS
We will point out some passes of satelites, maybe we will see the space station.
Learn the basics of model rockets.
We well attempt several rocket launches over the weekend (Depending on Window of Opportunity) and if the weather permits.
Feel free to bring your own rocket if you like.
One of the rockets I will launch is the Estes Oracle™ Digital Video Camera rocket allows you to capture live action video from on board the rocket. Will use laptop to view the video after the launch.